Bc - Dánsko - 2 - Bus - scandinavianstudy.sk

Bc – Dánsko – 2 – Bus

AP degree

Branding and Marketing Management (Dánsko, Herning, VIA TEKO Herning, AP Degree, 2 roky)

Full bachelor

Supply Engineering (Dánsko, Horsens, VIA Horsens, Bachelor Degree, 3 ½ roku)

BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture – International Business in Asia (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 4 roky)

BSc in Business, Language and Culture (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in Business Administration and Service Management (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in Business Administration and Sociology (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in International Business (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in International Business and Politics (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in International Shipping and Trade (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)

BSc in Economics and Business Administration – Global Business Relationships (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3 roky)

BSc in European Studies (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3 roky)

Bachelor in Market and Management Anthropology (Dánsko, SDU, Odense, 3 roky)

Top-up (nadstavba po AP)

Design and Business – Branding and Marketing Management (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)

Design and Business – Fashion Design (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)

Design and Business – Pattern design (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)

Design and Business – Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)

Purchasing Management – Fashion (Dánsko, Herning, VIA , BA top-up, 1½ roka)