1. Vyber si stupeň štúdia.
Vyber si medzi bakalárom, alebo magistrom.
2. Vyber si špecializáciu.
Štúdijné programy sú rozdelené na: Biotechnical & Chemical, Web & Media, Business & Hospitality, Technics & Engeneering, IT & Tech. a Humanities & Medicine.
3. Vyber si konkrétny odbor a školu.
Rovnaký štúdijný program môžeš nájsť na viacerých školách. Krajiny a školy môžeš rôzne kombinovať a s finálnym výberom ti radi pomôžeme. Podanie prihlášky si neodkladaj na neskôr. Školy prijímajú prihlášky už teraz a čím skôr odošleme tvoju prihlášku, tým sú tvoje šance na prijatie väčšie!
Klikni na ikonku Bachelor alebo Master.
Full bachelor
Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology (Dánsko, Kalundborg, University College Absalon, 3.5 roka)
Climate and Supply Engineering (Dánsko, Horsens, VIA Horsens, Bachelor Degree, 3½ roka)
Bachelor in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, 3 roky)
Top-up (nadstavba po AP degree)
Chemical and Biotechnical, Food or Process Technology (Dánsko, Aarhus, BAAA, BA top-up, 1½ roka)
Adventure Tourism Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Agriculture (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Agriculture with Animal Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Agriculture with Business Studies (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied Terrestrial and Marine Ecology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Biochemistry (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biochemistry (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biological and Forensic Sciences (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Biological Sciences (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Biology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biomedical Science (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biomedical Science(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
BioPharmaceutical Science(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Conservation with Forestry (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Cosmetic Science (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Ecology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Environmental Conservation (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Environmental Science (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Environmental Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Equine Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Forestry (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Genetics and Biochemistry (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Genetics and Genomics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Geography (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Geography (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Geography with Environmental Forestry (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Human Biosciences (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Human Geography (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Life Sciences (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Marine Biology and Zoology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Microbiology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Nutrition Science (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Ocean Sciences (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Oil, Gas and Energy Management(UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Plant Biology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Veterinary Biosciences (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Zoology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Zoology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
AP degree
Fashion Design (Dánsko, Herning, VIA TEKO Herning, AP Degree, 2 roky)
Multimedia Design (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Business Academy South West, AP Degree, 2 roky)
Multimedia Design (Dánsko, Aarhus, Business Academy Aarhus, AP Degree, 2 roky)
Full bachelor
Materials Science Engineering (Dánsko, VIA Herning, Bachelor degree, 3 a pol roka)
Top-up (nadstavba po AP degree)
Design – Fashion (Dánsko, Herning, VIA TEKO, BA top-up, 1½ roka)
Design & Business (Dánsko, Herning, VIA TEKKO, BA top-up, 1½ roka)
Digital Concept Development (Dánsko, Aarhus, BAAA, BA top-up, 1½ roka)
Web Development (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Business Academy South West, BA top-up,1½ roka)
Web Development (Dánsko, Kodaň, Copenhagen Business Academy, BA top-up,1½ roka)
Software Development (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Business Academy South West, BA top-up, 1½ roku)
Digital Visualization (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Higher education degree, 2 roky)
3D Designer Maker(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Advertising and Design(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Animation (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Animation (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Animation and Games Art (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Audio and Music Technology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Audio and Music Technology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Broadcast Journalism(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Broadcast Media Production(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Costume Design and Making (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Decorative Arts (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Design Crafts (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Design for Film and TV (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Design Foundation year (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Design Products (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Digital Animation (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Digital Film Production(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Digital Marketing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Digital Media Technology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Journalism(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Fashion (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Buying and Merchandising (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Buying with Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3-4 roky)
Fashion Buying with Marketing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Buying with Merchandising (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Graphics (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Journalism(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Management (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Fashion Management with Marketing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Media (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Photography (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Photography (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Promotion and Communication (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Styling and Creative Direction (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fashion Textile Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Film (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film and Media(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film and Television (Top Up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Film Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film Production Technology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Film Production Technology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Film Studies (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies BA (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies with Languages (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies with Theatre and Performance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Filmmaking (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fine Art (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fine Art (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Fine Art (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fine Art (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Footwear Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Footwear Foundation Degree (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 2 roky)
Game and App Design (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Game Art (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Games Art (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Games Software Development (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Global Finance (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Global Leadership and Management (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (Interactive) (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Graphic Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Graphic Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History with Journalism (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Horology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Illustration (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Illustration and Animation (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Illustration and Design(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Interior Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Interior Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Interior Design (UK,Leicester, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Interior Design Decoration (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Interior Design Decoration (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Interior Design(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and English Language (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Journalism(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Landscape Architecture(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Live and Technical Events (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Live Sound Technology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Make-up and Hair Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Media (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Media (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Media and Communication (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Media Culture and Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Media Production (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Media Production (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Media Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Media Technology Foundation Year (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Music (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Music (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Music and Electronic Engineering (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Music Performance (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Music Technology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Performing Arts (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Photography (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Photography (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Photography (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Photography (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Photography and Video (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Post-Production (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Product Design (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Product Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Product Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Product Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Product Design(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sound for Film, TV and Games (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Special Effects (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Television and Video Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Television Post-Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Television Studio Production (Top Up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Television Studio Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Textile Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Textile Design(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Theatre Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Trend Forecasting (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
TV Production Technology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Visual Arts (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Visual Effects (VFX) (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
BSc in Creative Media (Holandsko, Haarlem, 4 roky)
BSc in Digital Transformation Management (Holandsko, Haarlem, 4 roky)
AP degree
Branding and Marketing Management (Dánsko, Herning, VIA TEKO Herning, AP Degree, 2 roky)
Full bachelor
Supply Engineering (Dánsko, Horsens, VIA Horsens, Bachelor Degree, 3 ½ roku)
BSc in Business, Language and Culture (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in Business Administration and Digital Management (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in Business Administration and Service Management (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in Business Administration and Sociology (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in International Business (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in International Business and Politics (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in International Shipping and Trade (Dánsko, Copenhagen, CBS, 3 roky)
BSc in European Studies (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3 roky)
Bachelor in Market and Management Anthropology (Dánsko, SDU, Odense, 3 roky)
Top-up (nadstavba po AP)
Design and Business – Branding and Marketing Management (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)
Design and Business – Fashion Design (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)
Design and Business – Pattern design (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)
Design and Business – Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Dánsko, VIA Herning, top-up, 1½ roka)
Purchasing Management – Fashion (Dánsko, Herning, VIA , BA top-up, 1½ roka)
Accountancy and Business(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Accountancy and Finance (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Accountancy and Finance (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Accounting and Finance (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Accounting and Finance (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Adventure and Outdoor Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Adventure Tourism Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied Management(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied Sport Science (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business (Professional Development) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Business (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Business (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Administration (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Business Administration (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Business and Economics(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business and Finance (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Business and Finance(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business and Human Resource Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Business and Management (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business and Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business and Management(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business and Marketing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Business and Marketing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Business Economics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Economics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Finance (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Foundation Year (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Business Management (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Business Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Business, Finance, Marketing and Management (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Construction Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Creative Enterprise (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Business Innovation (Holandsko, Diemen, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Creative Business (Holandsko, Hague / Haarlem, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Finance and Control (Holandsko, Breda , Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
International Business (Holandsko, Breda, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
International Business (Holandsko, Hertongenbosch , Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
International Business Management, Global Supply Chain Management (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 3 roky)
International Business Management, International Entrepreneurship (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 3 roky)
International Business Management,Global Business (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 3 roky)
Tourism Management (Holandsko, Diemen, Bachelor, 4 roky)
BSc in Business Psychology (Holandsko, Haarlem, 4 roky)
International Business (Fínsko, Kajaani, KAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
International Business (Fínsko, Valkeakoski, HAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
Smart and Sustainable Design (Fínsko, Hämeenlinna, HAMK, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
Sports Coching and Business Management (Fínsko, Kajaani, KAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
Tourism – Bachelor’s degree (Fínsko, Kajaani, KAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
Full Bachelor
Architectural Technology and Construction Management (Dánsko, Horsens/Aarhus, VIA Horsens, Bachelor Degree, 3 ½ roka)
BEng in Electronics (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3.5 roka)
BEng in Mechanical Engineering (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3.5 roka)
BEng in Mechatronics (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3.5 roka)
BSc in Engineering (Electronics) (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3 roky)
BSc in Engineering (Engineering, Innovation and Business) (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3 roky)
BSc in Engineering (Mechanical) (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3 roky)
BSc in Engineering (Mechatronics) (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3 roky)
BSc in Engineering (Software) (Dánsko, SDU, Sønderborg, 3 roky)
Electrical and automation engineering (Fínsko, Valkeakoski, Hame, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
Construction engineering (Fínsko, Hämeenlinna, Hame, BA. Degree, 4. roky)
Mechanical engineering and production technology (Fínsko, Riihimäki, Hame, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
Actuarial Science (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied Computing (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Applied Mathematics / Statistics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Architectural Technology (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Architectural Technology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Architectural Technology (UK,Leicester, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Architecture BSc (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Astrophysics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Audio and Acoustic Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Building Surveying (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Information Technology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Communication Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Communications Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Computer Games (Art) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games (Design) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games (Indie) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games (Software Development) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games Design (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Computer Games Programming (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Computer Generated Imagery (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Networks (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Networks and Web Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Science (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Science (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Computer Security (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Computer Systems and Networks (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Systems Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computers with Elecetronics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Computing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Computing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computing for Business (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Construction Management (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Construction Management (UK,Leicester, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Data Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Data Science and Analytics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Digital Arts Top-Up (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Engineering Design and Manufacture (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Engineering Year Zero (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Foundation Year in Digital Arts (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Games Technology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Information Technology Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Intelligent Systems (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Intelligent Systems (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Marine Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Marine Operations (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Mathematics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Mathematics (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Mathematics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Mathematics and Statistics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Mathematics with Computing (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Mathematics with Computing (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Mechatronics (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Mechatronics (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Network Security Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Physics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Quantity Surveying (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Real Estate (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Renewable Energy Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Robotic Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Robotic Engineering (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Shipping and Port Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Software Engineering (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Software Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sustainability Science (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Vehicle Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Virtual and Augmented Reality (Design) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Visual Effects (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Web Design and Development (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Yacht and Powercraft Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Aeronautical Engineering (Holandsko, Delft, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Industrial Engineering and Management (Holandsko, Breda, Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Mathematical Engineering (Holandsko, Diemen (Amsterdam), Bachelor, 4 roky)
Construction Engeneering (Fínsko, Hämeenlinna, HAMK, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
Electrical and Automation Engeneering (Fínsko, Valkeakoski, HAMK, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
Mechanical Engeneering and Production Technology (Fínsko, Riihimäki, HAMK, BA. Degree, 4 roky)
AP degree
Computer science (Dánsko, Esbjerg/Sonderborg, Business Academy South West, AP Degree, 2 roky)
Full Bachelor
Software Engeneering (Dánsko, Horsens, VIA UC Horsens, Full Bachelor, 3,5 roka)
BSc in Software Engineering (Dánsko, SDU, Søndeborg, 3 roky)
Business Information Technology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Information Technology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Games Technology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Information Systems (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Computer Information Systems for Business (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Computer Networks(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Science (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Computer Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Computer Science for Business (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Creative Technologies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Data Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Forensic Computing(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Space Science and Robotics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
3D Animation (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky )
Applied Computer Science (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 3 roky)
Applied Computer Science (Belgicko, Howest, Brugge, 3 roky)
Cyber Security Professional (Belgicko, Howest, Brugge, 3 roky)
Digital Arts and Entertainment (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Digital Design and Development (Devine) (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Game Development (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Game Graphics Production (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Independent Game Production (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Industrial Product Design (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Information Technology (Holandsko, Haarlem, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Multimedia & Creative Technologies (Belgicko, Antwerp, KgG, 3 roky)
Visual Effects (VFX) (Belgicko, Howest, Kortrijk, 3 roky)
Computer Applications (Fínsko, Hämeenlinna, HAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
E-Sports Business (Fínsko, Kajaani, KAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
Game development and Business Information Technology (Fínsko, Kajaani, KAMK, BA. Degree, 3,5 roka)
Information and Comunication Technology (Fínsko, Forssa, HAMK, BA.)
Information and Communication Technology, Robotics (Fínsko, HAMK, Riihimäki, 4 roky)
Full bachelor
International Honours Degree in Teaching (Dánsko, Kalundborg, University College Absalon, 3.5 roka)
Bachelor in Global Humanities (Dánsko, Roskilde, Roskilde University, 3 roky)
Bachelor in Natural Sciences (Dánsko, Roskilde, Roskilde University, 3 roky)
Bachelor in Social Sciences (Dánsko, Roskilde, Roskilde University, 3 roky)
Bachelor in Cognitive Science (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, 3 roky)
Acting (International) (UK, Loughton, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Acting (UK, Loughton, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Acting and Community Theatre (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Acting and Contemporary Theatre (UK, Loughton, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Acting and Performance (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Acting and Stage Combat (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Adult Nursing Practice (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Adult Nursing Practice(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Adventure and Outdoor management (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
American Studies (United States) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Animal Biology (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Animal Science (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2-3 roky)
Applied Human Nutrition (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied Investigation(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Applied sport science (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Art History (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Art History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Art History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Art History and History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Art History and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Beauty Promotion (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biochemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4-5 rokov)
Biological Sciences (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Biomedical Science (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Biomedical Science (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Biomedical Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Biomedical Science (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Black Studies(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Broadcast Journalism (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Building Surveying (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Business Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Law (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Business Management and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Celtic Studies (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Clinical Midwifery (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 2-5 rokov)
Coaching and Sport Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Communication Arts (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Communications and Digital Culture (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Conductive Education (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Construction Management (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Creative and Professional Writing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Creative Arts (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Creative Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Creative Studies and English Language (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Creative Studies and Italian (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Creative Writing (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Creative Writing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Creative Writing (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Creative Writing and Media Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Creative Writing with English(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminal Investigation with Psychology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminal Law (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Criminology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Criminology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Criminology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology and American Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology and Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Criminology and Psychology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology with Psychology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Criminology with Social Psychology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Criminology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Critical Care (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Curatorial Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Dance (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Dance (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Defence Healthcare Studies(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Diagnostic Radiography (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Diagnostic Radiography(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Dietetics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Digital Music (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Digital Music (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
District Nursing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 1-2 roky)
District Nursing Specialist (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 1 rok)
Drama and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Drama and Theatre Studies (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Drama Studies (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Early Childhood Studies (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Early Years and Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Ecology and Conservation (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Economic and Social History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Economics and Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Economics with a Modern Language (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Education Studies (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Education Studies (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Education Studies with French (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Education Studies with Psychology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Education Studies(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
English (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
English (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
English (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
English (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Advertising (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Comparative Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Creative Writing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Creative Writing(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Drama(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Film & TV (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Film (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Film(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and French Law (Maitrise) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
English and History (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Journalism (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
English and Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Journalism(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Linguistics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Media (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Media (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and Public Relations (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and TESOL (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English and United States Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English Language (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
English Language and Linguistics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English Language and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English Language with Film Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
English Language with Languages (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
English Literature (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
English Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English Literature (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English Literature with Journalism (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
English Literature with Theatre and Performance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
English Literature(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
English with Languages (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
English(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Environmental Science (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Equine Sports Science (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
European Languages (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Law (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
European Studies (Including Year Abroad) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies with French (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies with German (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies with Italian (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies with Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
European Studies with Spanish (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Fashion Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film & TV and History (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film & TV and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film and Creative Writing (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Film and Television Studies (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Film Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies and Art History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Film Studies and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fine Art (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Fitness and personal training (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Food and Nutrition (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Food Science and Technology (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Football business management (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Football foundation year (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Football science(UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Football studies (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Forensic Investigations (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Forensic Science (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Forensic Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
French / German (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
French / Spanish (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
French and Mandarin Chinese (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
French Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
French with Journalism (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
French with Media Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Geography (Physical) (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Geography (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4-5 rokov)
German / Spanish (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
German Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
German with Creative Writing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Global Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Global Studies and Media (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Global Studies and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Global Studies and TESOL (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Global Sudies and History (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Health and fitness management (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Health and Social Care (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Health and Social care (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Health and Wellbeing in Society (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Health Care Practice (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 5 rokov)
Health Studies (Nursing) (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Healthcare Science (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Heritage, Archaeology and History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
History (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
History (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
History and Criminology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Economics (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
History and Economics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Italian (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
History and Linguistics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Politics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
History and Politics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History and Sociology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History with Archaeology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
History with Film Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
History with Film Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
History with Journalism (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
History with Languages (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Horticulture: Garden Design (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2-3 roky)
Human Biosciences BSc(UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Human Resource Management (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Human Rights (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Chemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Chemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Childhood Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Childhood studies (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
International Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
International Politics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
International Relations (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Italian and Global Studies (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Italian Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Journalism (NCTJ accredited) (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Journalism (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Journalism (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Criminology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Economics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and English Language (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Liberal Arts (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Journalism and Philosophy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism and Sociology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism with Business Management (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Journalism with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Language Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Languages for Global Communication (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Latin American Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 5 rokov)
Latin American studies with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Law (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Law (Senior Status) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Law (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law and Criminal Justice (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Law and Economics (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Law Senior Status (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Law with Business (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Business (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Criminology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Philosophy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Law with Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Learning Disabilities Nursing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Learning Disability Nursing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Liberal Arts (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Liberal Arts (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Linguistics (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Linguistics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Linguistics and English Language (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Linguistics and Media (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Linguistics and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Literature and Art History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Literature and Creative Writing (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Literature and Sociology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
LLB (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
LLB Law (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Management with Mandarin (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Mass Communications(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Media (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Media and Film & TV (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Media and Philosophy (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Medical Biology(UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Medical Science (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Medical Sciences (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Medical Ultrasound(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Medieval and Early Modern History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Medieval and Early Modern History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Mental Health Nursing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Mental Health Nursing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Microbiology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4-5 rokov)
Midwifery (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Midwifery Pre-Registration (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Midwifery(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Modern and Contemporary History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Modern and Contemporary History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Modern History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Modern History and Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Modern Languages (Translation) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Modern Languages and Cultures (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Modern Languages and English Language (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Modern Languages and Linguistics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Multimedia Journalism (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Multimedia Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Music Management (Top-Up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Music Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Music Promotion (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Music Technology (Top-Up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Music Technology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Music, Technology and Performance (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Musical Theatre (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Non-Medical Prescribing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 1 rok)
Nursing - Adult(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Nursing - Mental Health(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Nursing (Adult) (UK, Colchester/Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Nursing (Mental Health) (UK, Colchester/Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Nursing with Registration (Child) (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Occupational Therapy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Operating Department Practice(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Oral Health Science BSc (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Oral Health Science FdSc (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Paramedic Science(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Performing Arts (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Pharmacology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Pharmacology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4-5 rokov)
Pharmacy MPharm (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 4 roky)
Philosophy & Religion and History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Philosophy & Religion and Welsh History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Philosophy (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Philosophy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and Art History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and History (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and Law (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and Literature (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy and Sociology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Physical education (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Physical Theatre (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Physics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2 roky)
Physics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Physics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Physics with Astrophysics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Physiological Sciences(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Physiotherapy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Physiotherapy (UK, Coventry,Coventry University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Physiotherapy (UK, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Physiotherapy (UK, London, London South Bank University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Policing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Policing (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Politics (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Politics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Politics and Modern History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Politics with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Popular Music Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Popular Music Performance (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Popular Music Performance (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Popular Music Production (Top-up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Popular Music Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Portuguese Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Practice Nursing (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 40 týždňov)
Primary Education (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Primary Education (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Probation (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree)
Product and Furniture Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Product Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Professional Welsh (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Professional Writing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Professional Writing and Film (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Professional Writing and Media BA (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Psychoanalytic Studies (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Psychology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Psychology (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology and Criminology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Psychology BSc (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Counselling(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Criminology (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Criminology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Psychology with Criminology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Education Studies (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Marketing(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology with Sociology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Psychology with Sociology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Psychology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Public Health (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Public Health(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Radiotherapy(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky
Real Estate (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Social Anthropology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Anthropology with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Policy and History (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Social Sciences(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Work (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Work (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Social Work (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Work (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social work (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Work(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Social Work(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology (Including Foundation Year) (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Sociology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology and Criminology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology and Criminology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology and Politics (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology with Human Rights (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology with Social Psychology (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sociology(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Songwriting (Top-Up) (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 1 rok)
Spanish Studies and Modern Languages (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Speech and Language Therapy (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Speech and Language Therapy(UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sport and Exercise Nutrition (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sport and exercise psychology (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Sport and Exercise Science (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sport and exercise science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor, 3,4 roky)
Sport and Exercise Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3-4 roky)
Sport and Exercise Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sport and psychology therapy (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Sport coaching and sport development (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Sport Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sport management (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 4 roky)
Sport performance coaching (UK, South Hampton, Solent University, Bachelor, 3 roky)
Sport Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Sports and Exercise Science (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sports and Performance Coaching (UK, Colchester, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Sports Therapy (UK, Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Stage and Production Management (UK, Loughton, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Textile Design (UK, Leicester, De Montfort University, Bachelor Degree, 3 roky)
Theatre and Professional Practice (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Bachelor degree, 3 rok)
Therapeutic Care (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Veterinary Nursing (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Welsh (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 4 roky)
Welsh and the Celtic Languages (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Wildlife Conservation (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Bachelor degree, 2-3 roky)
World Performance (UK, Southend, Essex University, Bachelor degree, 3 roky)
Climate Smart Agriculture (Fínsko, HAMK, Mustiala, 4 roky)
Early Childhood Education and Care (Fínsko, HAMK, Lepaa, 4 roky)
Health Care, Nursing (Fínsko, HAMK, Hämeenlinna, 3,5 roka)
Health Care, Nursing (Fínsko, KAMK, Kajaani, 3,5 roka)
Professional Horticulture (Fínsko, HAMK, Lepaa, 4 roky)
Sustainable Urban Design (Fínsko, HAMK, Riihimäki, 4 roky)
Sustainable Forest Management(Fínsko, HAMK, Evo campus, 4 roky)
Agrobiology (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Agro-Environmental Management (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Bioinformatics (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Biology (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Biomedical Engeneering & Informatics (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Biotechnology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Chemical Engeneering (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Chemistry (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Chemistry (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Molecular Biology (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Molecular Nutrition and Food Technology (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Nanobiotechnology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Nanomaterials and Nanophysics (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Nanoscience (Dánsko, Aarhus, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (China, Beijing, Aarhus University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Sustainable Biotechnology (Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Water and Environment (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Agroecology and Food sovereignty (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Animal Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Health Research (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Marine Geoscience (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biological Sciences (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cancer Biology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cancer Biology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cancer Biology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Environmental and Business Management (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Environmental Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Environmental Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1/2roky)
Equine Science (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Food Safety and Control (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree, 1/2roky)
Chemistry (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Livestock Science(UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 roky)
Mindfulness-Based Approaches (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 3 roky part-time)
Molecular Biology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Molecular Medicine (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Molecular Medicine (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Molecular Medicine (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Physician Associate Studies (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Remote Sensing and GIS (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1/2 roky)
Tropical Marine Biology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Nanotechnology ( Holandsko, Enschede, Master, 2 roky)
Design of Mechanical Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Animation (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Automotive and Transport Design (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Automotive Journalism (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Branding and Identity (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Collaborative Theatre Making (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Communication, Culture and Media (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Pattern Cutting (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 15 týždňov)
Creative Technologies (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Critical Creative Practice (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Culture, Style and Fashion (UK, NottinghamNottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Design (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Design and Transport (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design and Visualisation (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design: Products and Furniture (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Design: Products and Technology (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Digital Curation (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Communications (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Fashion Design (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Design (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Knitwear Design (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Promotion (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fashion Styling (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Film and Cultural Studies (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Film Production (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fine Art (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 roky)
Fine Art (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Global Journalism (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Graphic Design (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Graphic Design (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Illustration (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Illustration and Animation (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Interior Design (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Fashion Management (UK, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Media and Management (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Politics (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Luxury Fashion Brand Management (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Magazine Journalism (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Media Arts Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Painting (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Photography (UK, Nottingham Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Photography (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Photography(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 2 roky)
Product Design Innovation (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Radio (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 2 roky)
Sports Journalism (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 roky)
Textile and Surface Design (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Textile Design Innovation (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Visual Communication (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Visual Communication (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Innovative Textile Development (Holandsko, Enschede, University of Applied Science Saixon, Master degree, 1,5 roku)
Economics(Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Economics and Business Administration (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Oil and Gas Technology (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Risk and Safety Management (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Digital Business (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
International Financial Analysis (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Marketing (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Managing in a Global Context (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Strategic Entrepreneurship (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Business management and entrepreneurship (Fínsko, Hämeenlinna, Hame, BA. Degree, 2. roky)
Accounting and Finance ( UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting and Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting and Financial Economics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting and Financial Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting and Financial Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting MRes (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Accounting MSc (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Actuarial Science (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Actuarial Science (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 9 mesiacov)
Advanced Computer Science (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advertising and Marketing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advertising and Multimedia Communications (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advertising, Marketing and the Media (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Algorithmic Trading (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker) (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Banking and Finance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Banking and Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Banking and Finance (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Banking and Law (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Big Data Analytics (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Brand Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Branding and Advertising (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Business Analytics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business Analytics (UK, Southend on the sea, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business and Marketing (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business and Organisational Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business Economics and Business Analytics (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business Economics and Business Finance (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
Business Intelligence (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business Intelligence Systems and Data Mining (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Business Project Management (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree, 1/2 roky)
Business with Consumer Psychology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Career Coaching (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computational Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Construction Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Construction Project and Cost Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Advertising (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Enterprise (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cyber Security Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Digital Marketing (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Digital Marketing Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Digital Technology for Business (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Disaster Management and Resilience (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Economic Policy and International Trade (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Engineering Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Engineering Project Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UK, Southend on the sea, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Environmental Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 9 mesiacov)
Finance (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Finance and Accounting (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Finance and Data Analytics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Global Trading (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Investment (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Investment Banking (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Finance and Management (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Finance and Management MSc (Anglicko, London, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Fraud Investigation Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Glass and Ceramics (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Global Entrepreneurship (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global Financial Trading (UK, London, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global Healthcare Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global Logistics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global Project Management (UK, Southend on the sea, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Human Resource Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Human Resource Management (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Human Resource Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Intercultural Business Communication (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree)
International Accounting and Banking (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Accounting and Finance (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business and Finance (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
International Business and Management (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
International Business and Marketing (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
International Business Economics (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business Law (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Business Management (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Events Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Fashion Marketing (UK, London, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Finance (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,15/30 mesiacov)
International Finance (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Human Resource Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Marketing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Marketing Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Tourism Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Investment Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Islamic Banking and Finance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Leadership and Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1-3 roky)
Luxury Brand Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Luxury Brand Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 3 roky)
Management and Finance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management and Finance (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management and Finance (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree,1-2 roky)
Management and Marketing (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Management and Organisation (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management and Organisational Dynamics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Management Information Systems (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Manufacturing Engineering (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Marketing (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,1/2 roky)
Marketing (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Marketing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Marketing (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Marketing and Brand Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Master of Business Administration (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Master of Business Administration (UK, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2-3 roky)
Master of Business Management (UK, Southend on the sea, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mathematics and Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mathematics and Finance (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree,9 mesiacov)
Personnel and Development (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 3 roky)
PgD Personnel and Development (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Project Management (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 12 months))
Project Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Project Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Project Management (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Project Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Quantity Surveying (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Real Estate Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociology and Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sport Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Supply Chain Management (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Tourism and Events (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Tourism and Hospitality (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Tourism and Hospitality(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 2 roky)
Business Administration (Holandsko, Deventer, Master, 1 rok)
Facility and Real Estate Mangment (Holandsko, Deventer, Master, 1 rok)
Innovative Textile Development (Holandsko, Enschede, Master, 1,5 roka)
Architecture, MSC In Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Architecture, MSC. In Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Buidling Energy Design (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Electro-Mechanical System Design (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Embededd Software Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Energy Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Entepreneurial Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Global System Design (Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Industrial Design, MSC in Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Information Architecture (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Signal Processing and Computing (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Sound And Music Computing (Dánsko, Aalborg/Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Sustainable Cities (Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Sustainable Design (Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Sustainable Energy Engeneering (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Urban Design, MSC In Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Urban Design, MSC. in Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
MSc in Engineering (Electronics Engineering) (Dánsko, SDU Sonderborg, 2 roky)
MSc in Engineering (Engineering, Innovation and Business) (Dánsko, SDU Sonderborg, 2 roky)
MSc in Engineering (Mechatronics Engineering) (Dánsko, SDU Sonderborg, 2 roky)
Advanced Building Simulation (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Acoustics (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Audio Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Architectural Project Management (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Architecture (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Architecture (UK, NottinghamNottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Architecture MArch (UK, London, London South Bank University,Master degree, 2/3 roky)
Automotive Engineering (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Automotive Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Building Surveying (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Building Surveying (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Built Environment Studies (UK, London, London South Bank University,Master degree, 3 roky)
Civil and Structural Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Civil Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Civil Engineering (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree, 1-3 roky)
Civil Engineering (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Construction Management (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Construction Project Management (UK, London, London South Bank University,/Master degree, 1/2 roky)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Embedded Systems Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Highways and Transportation Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Interior Architecture and Design (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Landscape Architecture (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mechanical Engineering (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,1/2roky)
Planning and Development (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Product Design Innovation (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Project Management (Construction) (UK, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Quantity Surveying (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Real Estate (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Superyacht Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sustainable Building Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (IT) (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Data Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Iinteligent Relliable Systems (Dánsko, Esbejrg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
IT Design and Application Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Lightning Design(Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Machine Intelligence (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Management in Building Industry (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Manufacturing Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Materials Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Mathematics (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Mechanical Design (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Networks and Distributed Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Wireless Communication Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Engineering Management (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Industrial Design (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
IT, Management and Innovation (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Software Product Engineering (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Advanced Communications Systems (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advanced Computer Science (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advanced Web Engineering (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Computing (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Artificial Intelligence (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Big Data and Text Analytics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cloud and Enterprise Computing (UK, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Cloud Computing (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Engineering (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Games (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Networks and Security (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computer Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Computing (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computing (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Computing Systems (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Cyber Security (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cyber Security Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cyber Technology (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Data Analytics (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Data Analytics Engineering (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Data Networks and Security (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Digital Design (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Diplomacy and World Order (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Education Practice (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Electronic Engineering (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Electronic Engineering (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Electronic Systems (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Energy and Sustainable Building Design (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Energy and Sustainable Development (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Engineering (Electronics) (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Engineering Management (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Engineering Management (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Future Media (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Information Technology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Intelligent Systems and Robotics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Interactive Media Engineering (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Internet of Things (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
IT Security (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 roky)
Mathematical Sciences (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Software Development (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Systems and Control (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Care & Technology (Holandsko, Enschede, University of Applied Science Saixon, Master degree, 2 roky)
Applied Nanotechnology (Holandsko, Enschede, University of Applied Science Saixon, Master degree, 2 roky)
Master of Visual Arts (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 2 roky)
Advanced Master: Master of Research in Art and Design (Belgicko, Antwerp, KdG, 2 roky)
Computer Science (IT) (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Data Engeneering (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Iinteligent Relliable Systems (Dánsko, Esbejrg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
IT Design and Application Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Lightning Design(Dánsko, Kodaň, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Machine Intelligence (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Management in Building Industry (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Manufacturing Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Materials Technology (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Mathematics (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Mechanical Design (Dánsko, Esbjerg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Networks and Distributed Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Wireless Communication Systems (Dánsko, Aalborg, Aalborg University, Master degree, 2 roky)
International Communication (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Interventions in Childhood (Švédsko, Jönköping, Jönköping University, Master degree, 2 roky)
Academic Writing Development and Research (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Acting (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advanced Clinical Practice (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advanced Materials Chemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (UK, London, London South Bank University,Master degree, 2-3 roky)
Advancing Physiotherapy Practice (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Advertising, Marketing and the Media (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Aerospace Engineering (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
American Literatures (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Analysing Language Use (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Animal Health and Welfare (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Child Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Linguistics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Applied Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Art and Art History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Art History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Art History and Theory (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Bar Professional Training Course (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biodiversity Conservation (UK, Southwell, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biomedical Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biomechanics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Biotechnology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1-2 rok)
Broadcast Journalism (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Cancer Biology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Career Development (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 6-18 mesiacov)
Cell Biology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Conflict Resolution MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Conflict Resolution MSc (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Corporate and Insolvency Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Writing (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Writing (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Writing (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Creative Writing (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1/2-3 roky)
Criminal Law and Procedure(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Criminology (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Criminology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Criminology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Criminology and Law (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Criminology and Socio-Legal Research (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Criminology and Socio-Legal Research (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Dietetics* (UK, City South Campus in Edgbaston,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Diplomacy, Law and Global Change (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Doctor of Philosophy(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 3-6rokov)
Documentary Journalism (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Education (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Education (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Education (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
English Language and Linguistics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
English Language Teaching (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
English Literature (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
English Studies (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
English Studies (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 2 roky)
Exercise Physiology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Experimental Linguistics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Film and Literature (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fine Art (UK, Margaret street Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Fine Art (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Forensic Computing (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Forensic Mental Health (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Forensic Psychology (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Forensic Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Forensic Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Future Media: Pro (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global and Comparative Politics MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global and Comparative Politics MSc (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Global Education Management (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok
Health Law and Ethics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Health, Safety and Wellbeing (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
History (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
History (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 9 mesiacov)
History (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
History and Heritage (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1-3 roky)
History of Wales (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1-3 roky)
Human Resource Development (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,2roky)
Human Resource Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Human Resource Management (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,24/32 mesiacov)
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Human Rights and Justice (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Chemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Children's Nursing (UK, London, London South Bank University,Master degree, 1-6 rokov)
Ideology and Discourse Analysis (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Intellectual Property Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Interational Relations MSc (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Education (UK, City North Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok
International Film Production (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Financial Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Human Rights Law (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Humanitarian Law (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Relations (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Relations (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Relations MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Relations MRes (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
International Trade and Maritime Law (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
International Trade Law (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Investigative Journalism (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Journalism and Multimedia Communications (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Language in Society (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Law Graduate Diploma (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Legal Practice Course (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Legal Practice Course (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Legal Practice(Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Linguistic Studies (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Linguistics (by Research) (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Linguistics MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Linguistics Mres (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Literary Studies (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1/2-3 roky)
Literature (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Literature and Creative Writing (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1/2-3 roky)
LLM Business Law/Law (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
LLM International Business Law (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Magazine Journalism (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Manual Therapy (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Marketing Management (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Master of Business Administration (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
Master of Philosophy (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 2-4roky)
Masters by Research (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 12-15 mesiacov)
Masters in Research Applied Health Studies (UK, University De Montfort, Master degree, 1 rok)
Media and Globalisation (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Media and History (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1-3 roky)
Medieval Britain & Europe (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1-3roky)
Mental Health Nursing (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,2roky)
Migration Studies MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Migration Studies MSc (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Mindfulness and Compassion (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Modern Languages (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Molecular Cell Biology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Molecular Microbiology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Museum and Heritage Development (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Music (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Neuropharmacology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Nursing (Adult) (Pre-Registration) (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
Nursing (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Occupational Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
Oil, Gas and Mining Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Online Journalism (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Peace and Conflict Studies (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Performance Analysis (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Performance Nutrition (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Pharmaceutical Analysis (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Pharmacology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Philosophy (by Research) (UK, Nottingham,Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Philosophy (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Physiotherapy* (UK, City South Campus in Edgbaston,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok
Playwriting (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Political Ecomomy MRes (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
Political Economy MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Political Science MA (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Political Science MRes (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
Political Theory (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Politics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Politics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Practising Human Geography(UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Primary Education (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychoanalytic Studies (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychodynamic Counselling (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 2 roky)
Psycholinguistics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychological Research Methods (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1/3 roky)
Psychology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology (UK,Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Psychology in Clinical Practice (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Public Health (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Public Health (UK, City South Campus in Edgbaston,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Public Health (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Public Health Nutrition (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Public Relations (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Refugee Care (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Refugee Studies (UK, London, London South Bank University, Master degree,13,16/28mesiacov)
Research Methods in Psychology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Screen Studies (UK, City centre Campus,Birmingham City University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Biology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Business Education (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Education (Physics) (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary English (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Chemistry (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Mathematics (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Secondary Music (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Social Work (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 4 roky)
Social Work (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Social Work (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Social Work (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociological Research Methods (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociology (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociology (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sociology and Management (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sport and Exercise Psychology (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sport and Exercise Sciences (Anglicko, Sunderland, University of Sunderland, Masters degree, 1 rok)
Sport Science (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (UK, Bangor, Bangor University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sports and Exercise Nutrition (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sports Broadcast Journalism (UK, Southampton, Solent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Sports Law (UK, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Survey Methods for Social Research (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Teaching English for Academic Purposes (UK, Coventry, Coventry University, Master degree, 1 rok)
Theory and Practice of Human Rights (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Translation and Literature (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Translation and Professional Practice (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)
United States Politics (UK, Colchester, University of Essex, Master degree, 1 rok)